Expert Tips For A Successful Access Control Installation

However, before you jump into this wonderful project, here are a few expert tips that will give the right shape to the project letting you get the best value for your money. The point is you must invest in the right technology and include the right features that will serve your purpose in the best possible way.

Identify your real needs
Approach the access control systems with an open mind. When you discuss your needs with the installation company, they will have a lot of ideas to let you know since they are well experienced in this field and have gathered a lot of ideas following a number of challenging installations. So, listen to them and take their advice. However, exercise your discretion to approve their plans and give it a final shape depending on the goals and purposes you wish to achieve. The reason is, you must first listen to them to get to know the latest technology available today about which you might not have much knowledge.

Ask the firm to prepare a neat diagram
To make the entire project transparent, easily understandable and perfectly planned and executed, it is necessary to start with a neat diagram that takes away all the ambiguities and gives a clear route to proceed. In fact this should be the first thing you must ask the service provider to start with to get the best out of the project. The diagram must include all the card readers, PIN pads, power supply and network cabling. The diagram can also help you out in future with easy troubleshoot and upgrade when there is a need. It is always better to get a CAD drawing made which will make it easy to map the technology involved as well as make the documentation very clear.

Work with some advanced features
When you are working with network access control technologies, it is better to think of an IP based access control system working on your own network in order to safeguard your business from the potential cyber threats. Even if you have started with the project with the primary aim of having an access control system for your business, you can as well think of integrating with it some additional features like intrusion detection, open-architecture video surveillance, video management software, building control, and many others as appropriate to your situation.

Benefit from the IT infrastructure
Today more businesses are taking an IT centric approach to access control systems. They are wishing to operate their access control software on standard kind of industry hardware rather than investing in hardware supported by firmware. This will let you enjoy lower hardware costs and an enhanced system flexibility.

Why Public Companies Should Take Investor Targeting Seriously?

Investor targeting is a pivotal process of identifying and engaging the investors who can create value for your corporation and shareholder as well. It is not just about studying new potential investors who could be good-fits for you but also about contemplating and analyzing your own investor data. The sole aim of investor targeting is to curate a strategy for bridging the investor “gaps” and explore new possibilities.

But, first of all, you have to make yourself familiar with who are these entities that make up your shareholder base. Take your time and ask yourself.

Which shareholders are attracted to your stock and what can be the possible sources for this attraction? Are there any changes in ownership and why? Who should you add to your investor list and what corporate access strategy should you use to access them? Are there peers outside of your industry that has similar structures and stories? Assess which shareholders need your attention? Are there shareholders who need re-engagement?

Finding answers to such questions for investor targeting would help you understand your own investor landscape and learn more about your peers.

Exercising Investor Targeting Prior to Non-Deal Roadshows

Once targets are determined, important events such as conferences and non-deal roadshows are marked on the IR calendar. By exercising investor targeting, as a public company, you can easily evaluate events beforehand if attendance is important given the investors to seek. If it’s possible for you, find out the investors who don’t participate in the traditional conferences and contact them directly. This is a great way to demonstrate how your IR team proactively thinks and acts for corporate access.

Having access to profiles and other valuable data of investors can greatly help you prepare for investor meetings and non-deal roadshows. Thereby, it allows you to save your valuable time that you can utilize for developing and maintaining quality engagement. Discuss with your IR team and C-suite how you can cater to the needs of investors and shareholders by sharing the available information.

Strategies and Tools for Investor Targeting

Successful investor targeting can be expected only if it is conducted with a thorough and pensive approach. So, check out what you should involve for investor targeting.

Implement internal processes to analyze and evaluate investors.
Map out result-oriented strategies for communication.
Plan meetings to implement discussed strategies.
Scour new ways to log every activity and track the targeting process.
Churn out the most important pieces of information and create a comprehensive strategy for targeting activities internally.
Assess your existing targeting activities and optimize them.
Don’t ignore the sources of captured data.
Keep an eye on constant data updates
Review your own investor structure as well as the available data of your peers.
Though the ultimate goal of investor targeting activities is to spot and engage the right investors for a public company, it involves analysis that may help you better for events such as roadshows and be compliant with all data security policies. So, start taking investor targeting seriously if you want profitable shareholders in your community without violating any rules.

Male Organ Pain And Urinary Tract Infection – A Lesser Known Cause

While urinary tract infections (UTIs) are far more common among women, it’s possible for men to suffer the scourge of this condition as well, resulting in male organ pain and several other symptoms. Fortunately, when caught early, UTIs are easily treatable and tend not to cause any long-term problems. If left untreated, though, serious health problems can occur as the infection works its way up the urinary tract. It’s important, then, for men to know the symptoms in order to take the appropriate male organ care steps to treat such an infection as well as to prevent one. Below, men can learn about the causes, risks, symptoms, treatments and prevention methods for urinary tract infections.


Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria is present in the urinary tract. This system includes the urethra, bladder, ureters and kidneys. The infection is usually caught and treated when it is present in the lower tract (urethra and bladder). If left untreated, it can progress to the kidneys and lead to serious problems. Usually, the infection occurs when bacteria enters the tract through the urethra. However, it’s also possible for one to occur if something like a kidney stone or bladder stone is blocking the flow of urine through the rest of the tract.


Risks factors for UTIs in men include:

• Catheterization
• A history of surgery on the prostate or urinary tract
• Kidney or bladder stones
• Unprotected encounter with an infected partner
• Unprotected fussy penetration
• Intact male organ
• Skin irritation around the urethra


Symptoms of a male UTI include:

• Male organ pain while urinating
• Burning sensation on the male organ while urinating
• Need to urinate frequently
• Feeling a need to urinate soon after the bladder has been emptied
• Abdominal pain
• Lower back pain (a sign that the kidneys are involved)

Men should note that UTIs share some symptoms with other infections. Yeast infections as well as several partner-transmitted infections can cause male organ pain and burning while urinating, so diagnosis by a medical professional is recommended.

Treating a UTI

Oral antibiotics are the standard course of treatment for urinary tract infections in both men and women. When taking these medications, it’s important to take all of them according to the prescribed treatment schedule. Even if a man feels better before he’s out of antibiotics, it’s possible for some bacteria to survive if he cuts the medication off too soon. The leftover bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics and increase a man’s risk of recurrent, harder-to-treat infections.

Some doctors prescribe medication to help a man deal with the pain and burning sensation that accompany a urinary tract infection.

Drinking straight cranberry juice, in conjunction with taking antibiotics, may help rid the infection sooner. Choose a pure cranberry juice product, not one of those sugary juice cocktails.

Prevent UTIs

As with all medical conditions, UTIs are best avoided. Here are some things men can do to reduce the likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection:

• Drink eight glasses of water daily.
• Drink either pure pineapple or cranberry juice regularly. These are acidic, and the acid may inhibit bacterial growth in the urinary tract.
• Have protected partner encounters, both front- and rear-end.
• Avoid products that may irritate the skin around the urethral opening, such as harsh detergents or soaps.
• Wash under the prepuce regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria.
• Invest in a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Such a product can help prevent infections in a couple ways. First, it contains moisturizers that reduce skin irritation by keeping the skin smooth and free of cracks that may harbor bacteria. Second, a quality product containing vitamin A can help fight bacteria on the male organ, thereby limiting the chances of it travelling into the urinary tract via the urethra.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.