Top 10 Tips & Tactics to Use Yahoo Mail with Ease

Yahoo Mail is the popular email service used by more than 100 million users every day across the world. It can be utilized for both individual and office purposes to share information via emails. So, to use the Yahoo Mail efficiently, it is time to take a look at its email functions and see what tips and tricks you should use under the surface. These 10 easy tips help you use Yahoo Mail for easier mailing.

Note: – For additional support, contact Yahoo professionals to seek guidance to use Yahoo mail efficiently and more.

Tip 1 – Use the Boss Mode 

On the browser screen, in the Yahoo email’s lower left side places a small icon that seems like a mountain in the box. Point the mouse cursor over it to go to the boss mode. It helps you to hide the information instantly you’re reading from prying eyes, and access the best and quickest way to change the Yahoo Mail theme, providing it a new look entirely.

Tip 2 – Stop Saving Contacts

You don’t require using an address book with Yahoo Mail. As soon as you type a name, it will open an auto-suggestion that Yahoo mail stores in, with the email address, relied on the history, habits, saved emails, and the address book if you have used one.

Tip 3 – Use Magazine Style on Tablets

At the end of an email on the landscape-oriented tablet, you will find a double arrow icon that typically specifies a full-screen mode. In the Yahoo mail app, it helps you use the Magazine Style for reading emails, so you can switch left or right to check new or older emails.

Tip 4 – Quick Actions for Mobile

The Yahoo mail app has a set of tools to perform various operations quickly. Just swipe an email to access a set of icons that allow you to mark an email as unread, set to the necessary, move it to the folder, delete it, or send it to the spam folder.

Tip 5 – Forward All Yahoo Emails

Yahoo Mail supports the IMAP and POP access to the desktop email programs like Outlook. However, if you just want to forward all your incoming emails to another account, then go to the Settings icon and click the Accounts tab, followed by the ‘Edit’ button. Click to select the radio button on the Forward field, and input the email where you want the messages to stop. You can also access the options, including Save and Forward, Forward Only, and Mark as Read. Thus, you don’t have to re-access those emails when you go to the Yahoo mail.

Tip 6 – Add an Extra Email Address

If you want to use an additional email address at Yahoo server, it is relatively straightforward. Just click the ‘Settings’ icon, and then the ‘Accounts’ tab, followed by the ‘Manage extra email address’ link. You can also use the name to log into the account and turn it into the default when you deliver emails. Though, you can change the name a few times a year.

Tip 7 – Quick Search by Sender

While you get a list of emails, a magnifying glass icon will appear when you pass the mouse pointer over the messages. Click on it, and you will be able to get an instant view of all emails delivered by the same sender.

Tip 8 – SMS via Yahoo

Yahoo Messenger, an instant-messaging service, is in-built with Yahoo Mail. You just need to go to the smiley face tab at the top on the screen. After that, type the phone number and send an SMS. It will deliver as an SMS text to the recipient. The recipient will get two individual messages. One will notify that a Yahoo mail user has sent you an SMS and you need to respond that message.

Tip 9 – Create Notes in Yahoo Mail

This option is only available on the Yahoo email web version, not in applications. However, you can click the little notebook icon to access a low-rent edition of Evernote or OneNote, where you can make notebooks to store all the notes you want.

Tip 10 – Secure Emails with 2FA

It is a two-factor authentication, which means you need to enter more than one password to access a service; usually, you get a code on your phone. Yahoo mail calls its two-factor authentication. It can stop you from being hacked and compromised from the unauthorized access. To enable 2FA for Yahoo mail, you can check the articles and forums available on Yahoo’s official site.

It will protect not only your emails, but also your Yahoo mail services. If you’re using Yahoo mail mobile version, you can use the ‘app passwords’ to secure your account. Aside from these tips and tactics, Yahoo mail comes with various additional features. If you still have any concerns or experienced any problems with yahoo mail, it’s highly suggested to dial helpline number to call Yahoo support professionals for immediate solutions.

Why Public Companies Should Take Investor Targeting Seriously?

Investor targeting is a pivotal process of identifying and engaging the investors who can create value for your corporation and shareholder as well. It is not just about studying new potential investors who could be good-fits for you but also about contemplating and analyzing your own investor data. The sole aim of investor targeting is to curate a strategy for bridging the investor “gaps” and explore new possibilities.

But, first of all, you have to make yourself familiar with who are these entities that make up your shareholder base. Take your time and ask yourself.

Which shareholders are attracted to your stock and what can be the possible sources for this attraction? Are there any changes in ownership and why? Who should you add to your investor list and what corporate access strategy should you use to access them? Are there peers outside of your industry that has similar structures and stories? Assess which shareholders need your attention? Are there shareholders who need re-engagement?

Finding answers to such questions for investor targeting would help you understand your own investor landscape and learn more about your peers.

Exercising Investor Targeting Prior to Non-Deal Roadshows

Once targets are determined, important events such as conferences and non-deal roadshows are marked on the IR calendar. By exercising investor targeting, as a public company, you can easily evaluate events beforehand if attendance is important given the investors to seek. If it’s possible for you, find out the investors who don’t participate in the traditional conferences and contact them directly. This is a great way to demonstrate how your IR team proactively thinks and acts for corporate access.

Having access to profiles and other valuable data of investors can greatly help you prepare for investor meetings and non-deal roadshows. Thereby, it allows you to save your valuable time that you can utilize for developing and maintaining quality engagement. Discuss with your IR team and C-suite how you can cater to the needs of investors and shareholders by sharing the available information.

Strategies and Tools for Investor Targeting

Successful investor targeting can be expected only if it is conducted with a thorough and pensive approach. So, check out what you should involve for investor targeting.

Implement internal processes to analyze and evaluate investors.
Map out result-oriented strategies for communication.
Plan meetings to implement discussed strategies.
Scour new ways to log every activity and track the targeting process.
Churn out the most important pieces of information and create a comprehensive strategy for targeting activities internally.
Assess your existing targeting activities and optimize them.
Don’t ignore the sources of captured data.
Keep an eye on constant data updates
Review your own investor structure as well as the available data of your peers.
Though the ultimate goal of investor targeting activities is to spot and engage the right investors for a public company, it involves analysis that may help you better for events such as roadshows and be compliant with all data security policies. So, start taking investor targeting seriously if you want profitable shareholders in your community without violating any rules.

Top 10 Foods That Help To Increase Body Weight Fast And Effectively

If you are suffering highly from malnutrition condition along with lower body weights, then you must maintain a strict diet by consuming those foods that help to increase body weight. In this case, excessive eating is not the best solution rather that can be hazardous as that will invite obesity which is nothing but unwanted fatty cells deposition which is absolutely devoid of nutrition. You must take more and more nutritious foods for gaining strength and healthy fats within your body muscles. You just need to make certain changes in your regular diet by replacing the same with the most nutritious foods that can cater sufficient nutrition to your body. For more support, you can also practice different types of body-building exercises that are quite useful in this regard.

These exercises will help you to gain concentrated healthy muscles at some specifically selected parts of your body. But if you do not intake nutritious foods then you will not be able to conduct these healthy exercises for long hours. The nutritious food proportions need to be increased considerable and that must be effectively included within your daily meals. There are different healthy food options or choices and some of these foods that help to increase body weight naturally include two baked-potatoes at dinner and whole grain containing foods especially low-fat milk based products, pasta, bread, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, beans and many more. Frequent snacks in between meals can also be entertained in this regard for gaining rapid results.

These snacks are quite light and can be consumed at different hours in small quantities in order to maintain the healthy diet. These snacks are usually consumed by those who are not being able to consume foods with large quantities at a time. Additional 3,500 calories need to be provided for gaining one pound. You can also have an additional 500 calories on a daily basis for maintaining the diet in an effective manner. Natural and fresh peanut butter and fresh apples are quite useful in this regard and so you must consume the same in large quantities on a daily basis. Some highly nutritious snacks that can be effectively added to your regular diet are low-fat yogurt, cheese, fruits with oatmeal, beans, wraps of cheese tortilla, fresh vegetables and many more.

You can also intake different useful and natural ingredients based foods replacing healthy shakes as these shakes are of great taste and can help you to reach to your health targets quickly. If you want to get enhanced effects from these foods that help to increase body weight, then you must start taking FitOFat Capsules daily. FitOFat Capsule is completely herbal supplement which is mainly recommended for gaining weight and muscle volume to a desirable level. Unsaturated fats need to be are quite healthy which include different components seeds, nuts, olive oils, avocados, natural or fashioned peanut butter and others. But you must avoid harmful fats within your blood. FitOFat Capsules as natural weight gainer supplements provide an additional flavor in your diet and thus you can gain weight with great speed.