Why Public Companies Should Take Investor Targeting Seriously?

Investor targeting is a pivotal process of identifying and engaging the investors who can create value for your corporation and shareholder as well. It is not just about studying new potential investors who could be good-fits for you but also about contemplating and analyzing your own investor data. The sole aim of investor targeting is to curate a strategy for bridging the investor “gaps” and explore new possibilities.

But, first of all, you have to make yourself familiar with who are these entities that make up your shareholder base. Take your time and ask yourself.

Which shareholders are attracted to your stock and what can be the possible sources for this attraction? Are there any changes in ownership and why? Who should you add to your investor list and what corporate access strategy should you use to access them? Are there peers outside of your industry that has similar structures and stories? Assess which shareholders need your attention? Are there shareholders who need re-engagement?

Finding answers to such questions for investor targeting would help you understand your own investor landscape and learn more about your peers.

Exercising Investor Targeting Prior to Non-Deal Roadshows

Once targets are determined, important events such as conferences and non-deal roadshows are marked on the IR calendar. By exercising investor targeting, as a public company, you can easily evaluate events beforehand if attendance is important given the investors to seek. If it’s possible for you, find out the investors who don’t participate in the traditional conferences and contact them directly. This is a great way to demonstrate how your IR team proactively thinks and acts for corporate access.

Having access to profiles and other valuable data of investors can greatly help you prepare for investor meetings and non-deal roadshows. Thereby, it allows you to save your valuable time that you can utilize for developing and maintaining quality engagement. Discuss with your IR team and C-suite how you can cater to the needs of investors and shareholders by sharing the available information.

Strategies and Tools for Investor Targeting

Successful investor targeting can be expected only if it is conducted with a thorough and pensive approach. So, check out what you should involve for investor targeting.

Implement internal processes to analyze and evaluate investors.
Map out result-oriented strategies for communication.
Plan meetings to implement discussed strategies.
Scour new ways to log every activity and track the targeting process.
Churn out the most important pieces of information and create a comprehensive strategy for targeting activities internally.
Assess your existing targeting activities and optimize them.
Don’t ignore the sources of captured data.
Keep an eye on constant data updates
Review your own investor structure as well as the available data of your peers.
Though the ultimate goal of investor targeting activities is to spot and engage the right investors for a public company, it involves analysis that may help you better for events such as roadshows and be compliant with all data security policies. So, start taking investor targeting seriously if you want profitable shareholders in your community without violating any rules.

A Primer on Class Actions

The class action. It is a legal construct, invented years ago, to make it possible for many people who are all dealing with the same issue to join in litigation, thus making it less expensive and hopefully less stressful for themselves. Famous class actions — like the case against Pacific Gas & Electric chronicled in the movie “Erin Brokovich,” as well as the 125,000 plaintiffs who banded together to sue Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for damages caused by the popular diet drug Fen-Phen — have shined light on this area of the law and proven to the public that single plaintiffs united with a common cause can have long-lasting effects on the world around us. This article will provide an overview of the class action process.

What Is a Class Action?

A class action lawsuit is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as: “a lawsuit in which the court authorizes a single person or a small group of people to represent the interests of a larger group.” In layman’s terms, a named plaintiff stands as a figurehead to fight for the entire group of those harmed by the actions of the defendant(s).

Class actions are brought for a number of different reasons, including (but not limited to):
- Defective products — pharmaceuticals, children’s toys, medical devices, and vehicle components
- Toxic exposure — spills of hazardous materials, carcinogens like asbestos, “popcorn lung,” and harmful chemicals like BPA
- Mass injuries — Resulting from airplane, commuter train, cruise ship, public transportation, or ferry crashes
- Unfair employment practices — nonpayment of overtime compensation, racial discrimination, sexual harassment, or failure to pay minimum wage
- Financial misbehavior — improper loans or mortgages, “robo-signing” by mortgage lenders, and “ponzi” schemes

While there are many different types of class actions, they all involve a common thread — some form of harm suffered by a large group of people who believe that their injuries were the result of the actions (or inactions) of the defendants.

Class actions are similar in nature to so-called “Multi-District Litigation” claims (sometimes called “Bellweather cases”). MDL cases involve the consolidation of numerous suits already pending in federal district courts around the country. They are similar to class actions in that they also serve to combine the claims of several different plaintiffs into a single case. Unlike MDL cases, however, class actions are brought in just one court from the very beginning.

Why a Class Action?

Class actions commonly arise from situations where it is impracticable for each individual plaintiff to file a lawsuit of their own. Oftentimes, these cases involve an amount of monetary damages small enough that the recovery of them is not financially feasible for the numerous small lawsuits that would each involve attorney fees, court costs, and related expenses like expert witnesses, exhibit preparation and incidentals.

Class actions are beneficial for many clients because they are able to proceed with minimum effort on behalf of the named plaintiff and even less effort on the part of the remaining members of the action. The plaintiff’s attorneys on the other hand, have a difficult road ahead of them. It takes lawyers with a special skill set to handle class actions, and not all attorneys are qualified to tackle these large, time-consuming and tedious cases.

Putting Potential Class Members on Notice

Another way in which personal injury class actions are different from regular lawsuits is in the way that potential plaintiffs are notified. In most standard cases — those involving only a few parties — each party must be served notice of the legal action in person or through the mail in order to participate in or be bound by the terms of a lawsuit. That type of service is not realistic or practical in class action cases.

Instead, most class action participants are included by default. This means that a case will be brought on behalf of all people who suffered a particular type of harm. Then, once notice of the suit has been given, usually by publication in a newspaper, in a radio ad or with a television commercial, individual members will have the opportunity to “opt out” of the litigation by responding to the notification.

Resolving the Case

After a class action has been filed and all parties have been notified about the proceeding, the case proceeds much like a smaller lawsuit, with both sides having the opportunity to prove their arguments by calling witnesses, offering evidence, and having experts testify. It sometimes works out that the case ends up getting settled before trial. Whether the verdict is reached by a judge or jury, or if the case settles out of court, any recovery that is granted to the plaintiffs must then be distributed to both the named and unnamed plaintiffs. This can take anywhere from weeks to years.

While it is true that class action lawsuits do not always result in the distribution of substantial or life-changing financial rewards to victims, they can have a long-lasting effect on the well-being of consumers and on the world around us. Simply dismissing class action lawsuits is usually the wrong step to take. Through class action lawsuits, it is possible to take a stand against the largest corporations in the world and hold them accountable for their negligent actions against consumers.

Article provided by Domengeaux, Wright, Roy & Edwards, L.L.C.
Visit us at www.wrightroy.com

Tips to consider for Car Insurance Renewal in UAE

UAE is regularly witnessing road accidents even though the RTA authorities, are taking maximum measures to improve the traffic snarls, blocks, and jams. Even officials working in RTA Dubai have strictly advised all the car owners to ensure that their Car Insurance are renewed from reputed insurance companies. Renewing Car Insurance through online digital platforms is becoming the latest trend and car owners that own cars are showing interest to buy or renew their digital car insurance policy from reputed insurance companies.

Important tips that you should keep in mind at the time of renewing the policy is

Some of the important documents that you have to upload during the time of renewal in the online digital portal are Valid Mulkiya, Valid Driving License, Valid Emirates id and No claim Certificate from your previous insurer
Keep adequate funds in the banks and credit card so that you can buy policy hassle-free.
Follow the renewal instructions carefully before making the payment.

Car Insurance in UAE is a compulsory and driving the vehicles without valid insurance certificates or policy is considered a major offence that entails fines. Do not wait till the expiry date and decide to renew your Motor Insurance policy through our online digital platform and get your policy delivered instantly in your inbox. You can renew your vehicle insurance from anywhere through this state-of-the-art digital platform.

Car Insurance Policy will be delivered Instantly

If you are longing to renew car insurance from one of the branded domestic or international insurance companies then you should try at InsureAtOasis.com and follow the steps that are listed in the renewal section. The entire process of buying cheap car insurance UAE will be instant from the time of payment of policy.

This digital broking firm which has gone paperless, offers the best services to all the clients and has partnered with Top insurance companies like Noor Takaful, New India Assurance, Oman Insurance, QIC, ALWathbha and more. You can quickly compare and buy car insurance policy instantly through www.insureatoasis.com which acts as a digital broker and give us exact Vehicle Value & Premium and not Indicative Value & Premium.

Important checks that you should perform after receiving the policy on hand are listed below:

Explore the fresh or renewal car insurance policies commencement and ending date and see whether there are any errors or omissions in those columns.
Check the policy receipts and details of payments.

There are two types of policies under the motor insurance category which are issued by reputed insurance companies inside the country of the UAE and they are Third Party Liability Insurance (TPL) and Comprehensive Car Insurance. The Third Party liability policy only covers third party death, injury and damages to belongings and does not cover damages to the insured’s car. Whereas, the comprehensive car insurance policy covers both TPL and damage to insured car. This digital broking firm which is highly company in policy servicing and claim settlement always stands aloft in customer management. You will understand the quality of the services extended by this digital broker when you explore testimonials, feedbacks, and other tweets.